About Us  

As Strategic Training and Consulting, we believe in that all companies, in any sector they work on, need educated managers and all these companies deserve long life span. Our vision, mission, strategic plans and with our values which are going to realize the philosophy that we believe in, we are at the service of our customers

Our Vision:
Our vision is to provide under control and sustainable growth.

Our  Mission:
Our mission is to reach our target vision by conveying with our corporate trainings our knowledge and experiments in the science of management to the companies in service and product sector.



Strategic Plans  

Our strategic plans, in order to be long life span for the life-cycle of the companies in our country, proper to the main philosophy to the services that we supply.

• Within our institutional activities, being solution-oriented partners with domestic and foreign companies.
• Having international competitive power.
• In every sector that we access focusing all the details of the sector.
• Expanding our brand's power
• Resuming our expanding our competitive superiority in profitable fields.

We maintain our profession in the field of Training & Consulting with the power of our brand Strategic Training and Consulting™ and the belief to our country.We believe that we are going to reach our strategic goals with the help of this power and belief.

The values of the brand of Strategic Training and Consulting ™
While reaching goals, we consider important and we can not renounce our values:

• Affability: We believe that even smiling could change lives. That’s why we share our smiling face with you

• Under Control and Sustainable Growth:
As the Strategic Training and Consulting ™ we don’t want adventures that are momentary, out of control and which ends with disappointment. We are aiming Sustainable Growth without spoiling our organic structure.

• Team Work: As human recource, beyond having adequate number of qualified and educated employees, we are extremely aware of that we are going to reach the highest results of overall, with the help of the team work.

• Social and Enviromental Responsibility: We are aiming to realize our responsibilities for the service of human beings, today living all around the world and tomorrow for next generation. Approaching with the conscious of protecting environment for our country and for the world and also it is among our fundamental responsibility to expand this duty.

• Justice, Honesty and Reliablitiy: In our all relations, we care of justice and with the aim of mutual win-win, so we behave honestly and reliable. We are sure that we are going to please our patients in this manner.

• Always Being ‘The Best’: : Before and after services, we aim to be the best. We know that when we reach to our goal we are going to be the leader of the market.

• Compatible with the Laws: We always commit ourselves to be compatible with the laws.

Our Solution Partners  

Cam Stroy
• Corporate Videos
• Graphic Design and Publishing
• Corporate Photography
I See Creative
• I See Creative Advertising Agency
• Corporate Identity and Design
Admin Bilişim
• ERP Consulting
• Special Software Solutions
Ramazan Bingöl
Ramazan Bingöl Restaurant
• Conference Room
• Workshop Room

“For visions a strategy is a must and the strategy requires planning.”

“The most crucial resoures that you own, are your employees, esteem, trademark and customers.”

“It has always been an unbearable thought to me that someone could inspect one of my products and find it inferior in any way. For that reason, I have constantly tried to deliver only products which withstand the closest scrutiny – products which prove themselves superior in every respect.”
Robert Bosch 1940